Content & Community Guidelines

Neurokind is a publication and exhibition space for neurodivergent artists & writers.

Art is a powerful form of communication.

The heart of this project is to kindle human to human connection as well as neurodivergent community.

This publication respects self identification.

Anyone who identifies as neurodivergent is invited to contribute.

Neurodivergence includes, but is not limited to those who are autistic, ADHD, OCD, syntesthetes, dyspraxic, dyslexic, dyscalculic, etc. It also includes those with sensory processing differences such as hyper sensitivity or hypo sensitivity.

The following guidelines are in place to provide a welcoming and accessible space.

1. Be kind.

It’s in the name. No hate speech or trolling will be tolerated.

This includes racial slurs and negative stereotyping of any kind.

2. This is an LGBTQIA+ affirming space.

If we had a brick and mortar we’d be flying a pride flag. Please behave appropriately.

Be respectful of pronouns and gender identities.

3. This is a neurodiversity affirming space.

Harmful terms and stereotypes should not be unpacked here due to the associated trauma some members may have. These include, but are not limited to terms like: Aspergers, HSP, “low functioning / high functioning” labels, ABA therapy, etc.1

4. Neurokind is not the news.

It’s important that we have spaces for connection and regeneration.

Consuming news content to the point of shut down is not in service of any cause.

Neurokind is a space to connect through creative expression.

This is not the space to discuss breaking news or submit works that directly reference current events.

5. Content warnings.

When linking to outside websites please include appropriate content warnings.

If your work needs a content warning it is not appropriate for Neurokind’s open calls.

Please do not submit work that include:

  • Violence

  • Nudity / Toplessness of Any Gender

  • Sexual Acts

  • Profanity

  • Drugs or Smoking

  • Prescription Medication

  • Suicidal Themes

  • Body Shaming

  • Weight Loss Culture

  • News Headlines

  • Religion, Deconstruction, or Religious Trauma

Please do not reach out to ask me for an exception.

These are firm guidelines. They exist to protect myself and community members who have experienced trauma. I do not have the capacity to curate or offer the appropriate support for works around these themes.

You’re encouraged to submit works that fall outside of these guidelines elsewhere.

6. Root your work in your own lived experience.

Neurokind is aiming to amplify and exhibit artworks that show the varied lived experience of neurodivergence.

This is not the space to debate or discuss religion, politics, diagnostic reform, criteria, etc. (For example: The work we exhibit may be political on a personal level, but should not overtly reference nations, politicians, or political parties.)

7. No public shaming.

The comments of Neurokind are not the place to publicly shame anyone.

Some neurodivergent members may misread social situations or mistakenly use harmful terms. If the community guidelines are broken the post will be removed as soon as possible.

Please use other avenues of communication for heated debate and disagreement.

This is a space for connection.

Neurokind will hold space for individuals to learn and grow, but willful disregard for the community guidelines will result in banning.

These guidelines are for:

  • Submissions

  • Comments

  • Events (Workshops, etc.)

Please conduct yourselves with kindness in comments. If moderation becomes an energetic drain comments will have to be locked to paying members.

Neurokind is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

This is an independent, volunteer run publication.

I’m your curator

. You can find more of my work at .

Please do your best to adhere to these guidelines when submitting work out of respect for my time and energy.

I run Neurokind on a volunteer basis and am not profiting from this project.

I will do my best to moderate this space, but please bear in mind that my energy must be allocated first to tending my own nervous system and my family.

Thank you for your understanding.

I can’t wait to make things together.



Editors note: I’m aware this list is incomplete. If there are harmful terms related to your own neurotype that should be included please email me directly.